saving adj. 1.救助的,救济的,挽救的,援救的,搭救的,挽救的。 2.可取的;保存的,储蓄的。 3.俭省的,节省的,节约的,俭约的,节俭的。 4.无损失的,不赔不赚的。 5.【法律】保留的,除外的。 6.补偿的;补不足的。 n. 1.救助,救济,挽救,援救,搭救,拯救。 2.〔pl.〕 储蓄(金)。 3.俭省,节省,节约。 4.【法律】保留,除外。 5.【化学】滤屑。 He has the saving (grace of) modesty. 他有谦逊这一个可取的地方。 From saving comes having. =S- is getting. 节约就是增加收入。 saving2 除…以外。 saving your reverence [presence] 〔古语〕恕我冒昧的讲;说句失敬的话,您别多心。
The hidden trouble existing in 7 trillion rmb saving deposit 7万亿储蓄存款的隐忧
Saving deposits are interest - bearing deposits without specific maturity 储蓄存款是一种没有特定到期日的计息存款。
Data on material & cultural life and saving deposits of urban & rural residents are edited by division of comprehensive statistics , municipal bureau of statistics 城乡居民物质生活情况和居民储蓄由市统计局综合处整理编辑。
The zhejiang branch of the construction bank last month recorded a 50 percent increase in saving deposits over the previous month . and similar cases were also found in other banks 上月,建设银行浙江分行的储蓄存款较之前一个月上涨了50 % 。类似的情况也出现在其它银行。
Saving deposit rate which moved largely in tandem with the best lending rate rose by 75 basis points during the last quarter in 2005 . interbank interest rates rose only modestly during the period 储蓄存款利率大致跟随最优惠贷款利率移动在年第季上升基点,而期内银行同业拆息仅略为上升。
There is resource transfer between the two sectors . the resource transfers from state - owned sector to non - state - owned sector through the expenditure of wage , and it transfers from non - stated - owned sector to stated - owned sector through resident ' s saving deposit 两部门之间存在资源的互相转移,国有经济部门通过工资支出向居民和非国有经济部门转移资源,非国有经济部门通过居民储蓄存款向国有经济部门转移资源。
One sensible course of action might be simply to deposit them now into foreign currency saving deposit accounts offered by most of the large retail banks in hong kong . they will then be able , on or before 1 january 2002 , and on a day of their own choice , to get the euro equivalent 也许一种简单的做法,是把这些货币以外币储蓄存款方式,存入本港的大型零售银行内,然后可以选定在2002年1月1日之前或当日换回相应数量的欧元。
I find that the chinese stock market size was significantly and positively correlated with economic growth and saving deposits rate , even after controlling for other growth inducing variables . on the basis of this , the dynamic interaction relationship between stock market development and economic growth of china is examined in a bivariate vector autoregression ( var ) framework . i find there is one positive cointegration between stock market capitalization and economic growth , uni - directional causality from gdp to the stock market capitalization , but the stock market shock can influence the output positively 我们在两变量向量自回归模型框架下考察了中国经济增长与股票市场发展之间的动态互动关系:股市规模与总产出之间存在着正向的协整关系,表明两者在长期上是均衡发展的;格兰杰因果检验显示两者间存在着经济增长股票市场规模发展的单向因果关系,冲击响应分析结论指出股票市场和经济增长之间有着一种互动关系,股票市场和经济增长的正向变动均会给对方带来永久的正向影响,但目前股票市场冲击对产出的这种影响还很微弱。
Alternatively , finance among the people could be considered . at the beginning of this year , the capital among the people , including resident saving deposit , has exceeded 15000 billion rmb . financially , the enormous capital among people makes the idea of using capital among the people to finance small business possible 然而这些成功的小微型企业贷款机构的性质和我国的商业银行有着很大的差别,这些提供小额信贷金融服务的组织主要是商业化的小额信贷银行;服务对象主要是底层民众;机构设置非常贴近客户需求,这些特点都是我国商业银行所不具备的。